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Sunday Worship

10:45 AM

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Our service is live streamed every Sunday on YouTube.

Adventure Kids

Adventure Kids meets during the service. Littles through 5th grade are invited to attend.


Join use in-person Sunday with worship starting at 10:45 am.


26031 Depot St.

Calumet Twp, MI 49913


Youth Group

Romans 12:2 tells us "Do not be conformed to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Off Brand is the youth group where growing in your relationship with the Lord is the priority, and being different from the world is celebrated! Through engaging Bible teaching, meaningful discussions, and exciting events, we explore what it means to live out our faith authentically. Build lasting friendships, discover your purpose, develop godly habits, and grow closer to God in a space that’s anything but ordinary. Come as you are—be Off Brand with us!

Meets: Sundays 6pm-8pm

Ages: Grades 6-12

Location: Church (Lower Auditorium)

Men's Purity Study

Our culture continues to try and drag us into the gutter. This is a group of men dedicated to encouraging one another in faith and the word to hold the line in sexual purity. Under 17 attendees will need a parents signature to attend. Please contact Pastor Tony at (906) 231-1936 for more information.

Meets: --

Ages: --

Location: --

Girl's Bible Study

A weekly study and discussion with Jill Laidlaw for High-school teens. Meets at Jill's House. Contact the Church Secretary for more information.

Meets: Wednesday 6:30pm-8:00pm

Ages: Grades 9-12

Location: Laidlaw's House

Play Group

WE HAVE A GYM! Winter is cold and long, so every Friday parents bring their kids to play, have snacks, do crafts, drink coffee, and encourage one another in our gym. This is a group for people with kids kindergarten age or younger. Contact the Church Secretary if you have questions.

Meets: Fridays 10:00am-12:00pm

Ages: Kindergarten or younger

Location: Church (Gym)


1825 is our young adult ministry. We hang out, play games, eat food, and discuss deep theological truths. Anyone is welcome to drop by and join!

Meets: 1st & 3rd Tuesdays @ 6:30pm

Ages: 18-30

Location: Church (Lower Auditorium)

Men's Bible Study

A weekly study and discussion with Pastor Tony for teens through adults. The group meets in the Lower Classroom.

Meets: Thursday 6:30pm-8:00pm

Ages: Teen & Adult

Location: Church (Lower Classroom)


Girls on Mission (GOMs) and Boys on a Mission Bible Study (BOMBS) is mission education and activity group for elementary age girls and boys.

Meets: 2nd Fridays from 5:30-7:00pm

Ages: Elementary

Location: Church

About Us

First Baptist Church is a community of Christian believers. We are part of the universal body of Christ, organized locally under a covenant of faith and fellowship in the Gospel. All are welcome to attend services and participate in our programs regardless of background.

Our core beliefs include:

  • There is one true God, the Creator, who exists in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

  • Jesus became man while remaining God so that he might reveal God and redeem sinful men.

  • The Holy Spirit works in our lives, drawing us to Jesus and leading us in faith.

  • The Bible is the inspired Word of God and without error in the original manuscripts.

  • Jesus paid the penalty for sin, the just for the unjust.

  • Salvation is of grace through faith, a free gift, and is offered without consideration of our works.

  • Repentance and faith are inseparable obligations.

We hold a number of other beliefs that unite us as a local body of believers. You can read the complete articles of faith here:

Lead Pastor

Tony Laidlaw

Pastor Tony moved to the Keweenaw in 2009 with his family and fell in love with Calumet & Laurium. He has been at the church since 2009, and became the Lead Pastor in 2014. Give him a call, he would love to hear your story over a cup of coffee.

Phone: (906) 231-1936

Online Giving

Setting up your FBC Giving Account

  1. Click GIVE to be taken to the sign-in page.

  2. Select “Log In” in the top right corner of the page.

  3. Enter your phone number in the box or click "Use email address instead"

  4. Follow the instructions on the screen.

  5. Once setup is complete you can add a payment method by clicking "Add a payment method" at the bottom of the giving page.

  6. Choose to add either a card or link your bank account.

  7. Follow the instructions on the screen.

  8. You have successfully created an account for FBC Giving.

How to Give Online

  1. Set up an account (see above).

  2. Click GIVE to be taken to the sign-in page.

  3. Sign-in if necessary

  4. Choose which fund you are giving to and specify the amount you want to give.

  5. If you want to set up recurring giving, select the "Frequency" drop down and specify giving frequency.

  6. Click “Give" at the bottom of the page.

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* First Baptist Church is charged a small fee when gifts are made with a credit card, but you will be given the option to cover that fee or the fee will be taken from your donation directly.

Contact Us

Feel free to reach out to use via email, phone, or the contact form.


26031 Depot St

Calumet Twp, MI 49913

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  • Youtube

Thanks for connecting with us!

© 2025 First Baptist Church of Calumet & Laurium

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